Lewisville Lake Symphony Boards
Board of Directors
Deborah Svedman – Chair
Jamie Martin – Vice-Chair
Jamie Martin – Treasurer
Susan Martin – Secretary
Sara Abell
Kim Arney
Samuel Arney
Sally Bohls – player representative
Ronnie Lingren
Pamela Paul
Margaret Wells
Carol Wilson
Ex-Officio – non-voting
Adron Ming – Music Director/Conductor
Nancy Wright – Executive Director
Active Honorary
Kirsten Brown
Grace Lawrence
Diana McMillin
Drew Sutherland
Martha Whitescarver
Honorary - Wise Council
Dr. Warren Henry
University of North Texas, College of Music Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs / Professor, Music Education
Kelly Lannin
Artistic Director, LakeCities Ballet Theatre
Hon. Jane Nelson
Texas Secretary of State
Morris Salerno
Owner & Executive Chef, Bistecca Steakhouse
The Emeritus category of Board membership recognizes and honors individuals who, through long involvement, propelled the Symphony to new levels of artistic quality, community presence, and organizational resilience. Though no longer actively serving on the Board, their impact remains strong .
Honorary - Emeritus
Ian Cleghorn
Lyn Cleghorn
Mary Mebine *
Marjory Vickery *
Paul Vickery *
* Deceased