Lyn and Ian Cleghorn
Lyn and Ian Cleghorn, who recently relocated to the Chicago area to be close to their new granddaughter, epitomize the essence of the Emeritus designation. They both seemed to treat their respective responsibilities with the symphony organization as most people would a paid position. They labored long and hard and, no doubt, with love. It is hard to imagine anyone working so diligently on something for no pay unless they supported it from the heart!
Lyn served for many years as the President of the Symphony Guild, recruiting, encouraging and managing the many volunteers who make the symphony cogs turn without a paid staff. She served as Co-Chair for the annual Gala fundraiser for the past 5 years. One of her most important achievements was to organize and move our grant-writing process to a new, more professional level.
Ian used the skills he had honed during his working career to move the Symphony's marketing and advertising to a new, considerably more professional, level. He brought that level of professionalism to our ads, press releases, website and programs. His "fingerprints" are everywhere the Symphony is visible to the public as well as in many "invisible", behind-the-scenes areas. Ian continually encouraged and then went to work on new ideas and was always available to "pitch" the symphony to any group that would listen!
Two Brits who met in New York and somehow ended up in the Lewisville area, certainly leave behind a legacy that will never be forgotten.